A lot of music, in general, from Europe is devoid of the overproduction that happens over here in the states. Thus, their music doesn't sound as "polished" or overproduced as most Pop and Rock music in the states does.
A lot of bands and artists sound much more raw and pure, something that isn't the case here.
Anyway, here are a few of my favorite artists and bands:
Edurne is a pop artist from Villalba, Madrid. She was in the 4th edition of Operacion Triunfo, an American Idol-like singing competition and reality show. She didn't win, but was one of the top 4 or so finalists. I've always had a soft spot for her, even though her latest album, a covers album of songs from Musicals, is utter trash. Her first album, self-titled, is much more rock-based and far better than her later efforts. I am a sucker for this dance song from her second album, Ilusion, though. It's called "Ven por mi", which is Castilian Spanish for "Come for me".
Conchita is an acoustic pop artist who was born in Finland but grew up in Madrid who sings about relationships, love, and writes music straight from the heart. She's probably my favorite artist from Spain. You believe that she truly has gone through some of the situations and things she sings about in her music, and her music isn't your average "We broke up, I'm heartbroken"-type of songs
This is her latest single, "Puede ser" (which translates to "It could be" in English) from her debut album, Nada mas (Which translates to "Nothing more"). It's a top 5 single in many European countries, and has been a top 4 single in Spain.
My favorite song from her, though, is this one that reached no.1 in many European countries, including her home, Spain, called "Nada que perder" (which translates to "Nothing to lose")
It's a song about running into an ex who you are not quite over, not knowing what exactly to say, but eventually deciding between staying quiet or running after said ex and having "nothing to lose"Amaral is a rock band with folk and pop influences, who are from Zaragoza. Many of their songs are inspired by poetic lyrics and different musical influences.
They've been around since the late 90's and have had 4 albums, including their latest album, titled "Gato Negro, Dragon Rojo" (Black cat, Red Dragon), which is currently no.1 in Spain.
This is their latest single, and current no.1 song on the Spanish charts, "Kamikaze". It's one of their best songs, and it's one of my favorites.
I'm not usually a big fan of tattoos, but the lead singer, Eva Amaral, (Her surname is where the band gets its name from) has a kickass tat on her back. See if you can spot it in this video.
Pereza is a rock band from Madrid. They formed in 2001. They've released five albums, and have had great success with each album. This video, "Todo" (it translates to "Everything"), which features two snails that appear to be getting it on, is my favorite song from them and is from their third album, Animales, which is Castlian Spanish for "Animals".
http://youtube.com/watch?v=tMevDh0ySDs (it won't let me embed the video)
Murfila is a pop-rock singer from Barcelona. She's recorded two albums, her debut was titled Vamos Hacer Pupita, and her sophomore effort, released last year, is titled Miss Lios.
I've always wondered why her record label has never released any of her albums or singles overseas to North America. I think she has what it takes to make it big in Spanish-speaking countries. Although, I think the fact that she looks and sounds a bit like Gwen Stefani in a lot of her videos and songs might be a reason why her music wasn't released here. No one likes a copycat.
Granted, even though she may sound and look like Gwen, she has yet to record anything like the crap that is Gwen's solo albums.
This is my favorite song from her. It's from her second album; the song is called "Caliente". And trust me, the video is quite caliente. She seems to really have an aversion to clothes. I don't think I've ever seen her wear jeans. Ever. Can't say I mind, either.
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