Faded Paper Figures is an Indie band form Irvine, California whose album, Dynamo, will be released this week. You can download their album on cdbaby now. Faded paper figures is a side project of these three musicians. You may be familiar with some of their previous work. Kael Alden, one of the members of the band, composed a song for a Lexus Commercial. (you can view it here). When I first listened to the album, I wasn't expecting for it to be as good as it is. I had heard about them before, but I wasn't sure whether they'd live up to the hype. They have a similar sound as the Postal Service and Stars, and I wasn't sure whether they'd be anywhere near as good as them. However, it wasn't only as good as I thought it was going to be-it's better. Many songs throughout the album lament on war for oil, societal problems, and pollution. The subject of love is used as solace throughout the album. songs like "North by North" and "Metropolis" are the stronger tracks from the album. I'm fairly certain I've listened to "North by North" somewhere, but I haven't quite remembered where.
While perusing their site for lyrics (www.fadedpaperfigures.com) I found something interesting that they did: on specific words, they put links to several sites that relate to the lyrics. For example, on "North by north", a line goes, "Northern winters start to thaw; to islands on the sea, lands I've never seen. Things will get calmer-follow me". And on "thaw", they put a link to www.climatecrisis.net, as it relates to the line about global warming. I thought it was an ingenious way to give their fans a better understanding of the lyrics and make them aware of a cause that is important to the band (and in other lines, links to sites or videos they enjoy watching or are related to the song in some way or what have you).
their site: www.fadedpaperfigures.com
you can listen to their music at their myspace
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